

6 Reasons Integrative Medicine Is So Popular


Around 40% of Americans now use integrative medicine for wellness and treating acute or chronic pain. Most insurance companies now cover healthcare costs for integrative medicine practices like acupuncture, chiropractic care, biofeedback, and softwave therapy.

As more and more people are now taking an integrative approach to healthcare, integrative medicine is transforming globally. In this guide, we’ll go over why integrative medicine is becoming so popular.

Expands the Use of Medicine

Integrative medicine uses traditional medicine as well as alternative medicine. It combines medicinal drugs, surgery, or lifestyle changes with complementary medicine practices like yoga, chiropractic care, mediation, acupressure, acupuncture, and more.

Maximizes Wellness

Integrative medicine has been helping maximize wellness. People experiencing injuries, complex diseases, and chronic conditions have used traditional and complementary medicine.

It focuses on healthy living and allows patients to bring lifestyle changes to support their health. With integrative medicine, patients can strive to prevent severe symptoms or other illnesses and diseases. This leads to less frequent doctor visits and medical prescriptions.

Full Spectrum Treatments

Integrative medicine is becoming more and more mainstream now because it addresses a full spectrum of issues, giving people more support. It doesn’t rule out conventional medicine. Instead, it works alongside it.

Integrative medicine is also known as alternative medicine. It helps address the root cause of any disease or problem and provides a complete treatment to the patient, not just their body’s condition or symptoms.

Less Invasive

Unlike surgery and prescription medicine, integrative treatments are less invasive or non-invasive. Things like chiropractic care or yoga are non-invasive and help alleviate pain through a natural approach to healthcare.

Focuses On Patient’s Needs

Integrative medicine is highly popular now because it’s not a one-size-fits-all approach. Each treatment or practice recommended by a practitioner is according to the patient. They focus on what the patient needs and provide treatments accordingly. Practitioners use the right combination of medicines and practices for appropriate treatment.


Gives Patients Choice

With integrative medicine, patients have a choice. They can make health-conscious living decisions and lifestyle changes. They actively participate in their treatments and healing journeys and positively change their lives.

At Anti-Aging Wellness MD, we offer integrative medicine in New Jersey. This includes shockwave therapy for back pain, anti-aging skin treatments, weight-loss treatments, and softwave therapy in New Jersey.

You can reach out to our integrative medicine doctor NJ to learn more about the treatments we offer. Get in touch with us today!